Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Use the Definition of Endothermic Reaction in Chemistry

How to Use the Definition of Endothermic Reaction in ChemistryThe definition of an endothermic reaction in chemistry has to do with an energy transfer reaction which involves the transfer of energy from one medium to another. This is a fairly easy definition and really means that any energy or chemical reaction occurs between two dissimilar materials, such as gases, liquids, solids, and other elements. The second definition of endothermic is all those reactions which result in net energy being transferred between the two substances.An endothermic reaction can occur between any number of elements, so the definition is somewhat arbitrary. For example, if there is a person who is losing heat because of the fact that he is sweating, this would not be considered an endothermic reaction.To get an idea of what an endothermic reaction looks like, think about a fire and a body. You cannot boil water in a fire because the heat from the fire is dissipated into the atmosphere. This means that th ere are no transfers of energy happening, but the combustion does take place. A good example of an endothermic reaction is when a flame is kindled to light a match.Now, if you look at how to create a fire with water, you will see that it is an endothermic reaction, which means that there is a net transfer of energy taking place. At the end of the day, the endothermic reaction just needs some heat and you can have a fire. Now, if you want to know what chemicals react at different temperatures, it will be best to look at other examples of endothermic reactions, such as for example melting of ice crystals or the warming of a hot cup of coffee.The third definition of endothermic reaction in chemistry is a process where the energy released in the process of the reaction remains as energy. For example, ifa flame was to be set ablaze, it would be an endothermic reaction and the heat that was being released would stay as heat, or in the case of the glass of ice-cold coffee, would remain as the heat from the coffee.In terms of physics, you have two things going on with endothermic reactions. The first is when the energy being generated is always transferred between the two mediums involved in the reaction, and the second is when the heat released is always retained at its source (the object in which the reaction is taking place).Therefore, the definitions will be for other things, although I find that they all make sense. These are just the three definitions of endothermic reaction in chemistry that you need to know.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Care for Kids Taking ADHD Medication

Care for Kids Taking ADHD Medication A recently issued federal report found that 500,000 children who were treated with ADHD medication did not receive appropriate follow-up care per the recommendations outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Specifically, these children did not attend a follow-up doctors appointment within one month of starting their medication and 1 in 5 children did not attend additional follow-up appointments within one year as recommended. While this report focused on children enrolled in Medicaid, the follow-up care likely reflects typical care for most children who receive their medication from pediatricians or other primary care practitioners. The report did not identify the reasons why follow-up care was poor for so many children, but the findings do highlight the need for parents to advocate for their children. As a parent, what type of follow-up care should you expect for your child after they start an ADHD medication? The American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines include four key points related to ADHD treatment: When medication is prescribed, a follow-up appointment to check on medication effectiveness and side effects should occur within one month. At a minimum, two additional follow-up appointments should occur within one year. For optimal treatment effects, behavior therapy should be provided in addition to medication. For preschoolers, behavior therapy should be used first, and medication should only be added if necessary. ADHD should be treated as a chronic condition, and providers should follow a chronic care model of treatment, like models used in other chronic conditions like asthma and diabetes. Therefore, treatment should continue beyond one year and medication adjustments should be made as symptoms change over time. In addition to following these guidelines, parents should expect to complete symptom rating scales at follow-up visits. Ideally, teacher rating scales should be collected as well. The provider should review these completed rating scales at each visit and consider the responses when determining whether a medication adjustment is needed. Follow-up care is particularly important for kids with ADHD because every child responds to ADHD medication differently. Some have a great response to the first medication they try. Others need to try two or three medications before finding one that works well. Medication dose also needs to be adjusted somewhat regularly, both when a medication is initially started and as a child grows and gains weight over time. Lastly, ADHD medications can cause side effects, many of which can be addressed with medication adjustments. Unfortunately, as the recent federal report highlights, not all practitioners adhere to the recommended ADHD treatment guidelines. Parents should feel confident asking for regular follow-up visits and to have access to ratings scales that can be completed by parents and teachers. ADHD medication can be a very powerful treatment tool, and its important to work with a provider who will provide follow-up care that optimizes medication response in order to help your child reach their full potential. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

How Your School May Have ruined your essay writing and online writing

How Your School May Have ruined your essay writing and online writing Most of us eventually realize that the things we learned in school don’t always apply out in the real world. This fact is especially true in terms of our writing habits.I have been a private writing instructor for close to 10 years now and entered college at 16 myself. Most of my students are college students, though I’ve also taught middle and high-schoolers. Public education is a stressful and often thankless field, and I am not criticizing the many wonderful, hard-working teachers of the world. Rather, I’m pointing out that the average English teacher’s job is to teach you the grammar and rules of VERY basic academic writing, generally in preparation for standardized tests. While these are undeniably important skills for that context, they don’t all transfer to college and the real world. Here are three things that worked for your school papers school that you want to avoid online and in your admission essay. Finally, why am I talking about online and admissions in the same breath? These days, many colleges are now accepting online and html applications. If this does not apply to you, just file away the info about web writing for later. You're going to need it once you get to the university of your choice!*Pointless ElaborationIf you’ve ever found yourself tempted to refer to Webster’s dictionary while struggling to write an introduction, you’re not alone. Similarly, if you’ve ever wanted to use something like “For the entire history of [insert field here], man has sought [insert value here]” to open a paper, you were probably doing so to fill up the assignment’s minimum page count. By requiring you to fill up a certain amount of pages, your English teacher unwittingly taught you to use a lot of words to say very little. In online, college, and business contexts, being concise and clear are your top priorities as a writer. Let me repeat: good writing is clear, concise content. Avoid summarizing to fill space: it tends to be redundant, especially when you can link to/cite whatever you’re referencing. Think about your audience, and assume that they know the basics of your subject. Avoid jargon and clichés like the plague. They don't make you sound smarter.*Terrible Document DesignMost high school and college papers require the same recycled format: 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Usually you will have to have a header. The double-spacing is practical in this context. For a teacher, it’s much easier to make notes and corrections in the spaces between lines. However, this practice also leads to many students never understanding the importance of white space. Though subtle, white space is one way that you know this paragraph isn’t about the exact same topic as the one just before it. The space between paragraphs and headers helps the reader visually navigate a piece of writing. This visual cue is especially important online, where people tend to skim writing for its most interesting and relevant pieces. Headers and lists serve a similar function, though if your teacher was an MLA style purist, you probably never had occasion to use them in school. *Wordy, Excessively Formal Prose“Don’t write how you talk” is a common mantra of the grade-school English teacher. In the age of text-speak, most kids need to be told not to use acronyms and abbreviations. But often, this point gets driven home to hard, causing older students to try to “sound smart.” A common side-effect of this is using unnecessarily long or obscure words: “utilize” instead of “use,” “equilibrium” instead of “balance,” etc. Rather than making the writer look smart, these verbal gymnastics make the writer seem pompous. (Ironically, someone who does this can be described as “sesquipedalian.”) Avoid verbose or confusing terms by choosing the simplest way to say what you need to say. Don’t say “due to” or “in lieu of” where “because” or “instead” will get the job done. As a rule, online writingâ€"whether on a blog, social media, or message boardâ€"tends to be informal. Context is the key to making decisions about mechanics and grammar. Avoiding contractions may be appropriate for a research paper, but in blogging that’s simply not the case (see what I did there?). A sentence fragment would be out of place in a literary analysis, but can offer emphasis and style in conversation or story-telling. Many college applications have a narrative option for the essay prompts--mine had one about escaping from a pit of menacing wolves with a list of pre-prescribed items!Calvin and Hobbes, credited to creator of that legendary comic!As a rule, online writingâ€"whether on a blog, social media, or message boardâ€"tends to be informal. Context is the key to making decisions about mechanics and grammar. Avoiding contractions may be appropriate for a research paper, but in blogging that’s simply not the case (see what I did there?). A sentence fragment would be out of place in a literary analysis, but can offer emphasis and style in conversation or story-telling.For your essay, you will:Avoid contractions, Allow yourself many drafts/brainstorms/ideas/topicsBe yourself/Brag a little (but make it a humblebrag!)Clearly and Concisely Convey your ContwntBut beyond that, stand out! What is unique about you? Why are you any different and why should the reader not sail your essay into the garbage? Grab attention and go forth from there! Good luck! If you're in Austin, I can help you craft the perfect essay.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to help sensitive children. Best tutor tips

How to help sensitive children. Best tutor tips Parenting a child that is sensitive can be both rewarding and exhausting. Children that are sensitive are often emotionally overwhelmed easily and can often be viewed as shy or introverted. How parents, teachers and tutors interact or react to sensitive children determines their reaction to different situations and how they can deal with those situations. Sensitive children common traits Sensitive children are often overwhelmed by simple things such as a person looking at them in an angry way, loud noises or fierce emotions shown towards them. Understanding whether your child is sensitive is the first step to guiding them through their childhood. Some common traits of a sensitive child are: They cry, get angry or excite easily. They carry a lot of anxiety and worry about things that seem trivial to others. They are aware of problems that others don't acknowledge easily. They are understanding to other people's feelings and experiences and feel deeply for their problems. They respond emotionally to music, films, books or photographs. They act more emotionally than other children their age. They react more emotionally to small cuts and bruises. They prefer a quite environment and do not react well to loud noises or surprises. They do not like being the centre of attention. These are just a few of the characteristics of a sensitive person and there are many more that can be added to the list. There are of course always positives and negatives that come with being sensitive. The positives Sensitive people are often good-natured and kind. They are always keen to help. They are usually expressive and responsive. They take other people's feelings very seriously and strive to make others feel good. They are caring and often protective of friends and family. The negatives They do not handle criticism well. They often carry a lot of anxiety and worry about their ability to do simple tasks. They often carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. They take things personally and are hurt by small remarks and strong emotions. Depending on the level of sensitivity, sensitive children can often be very observant, have sharp senses and react with strong emotions. Parents with sensitive children understand that they often need more understanding and support than children that are not sensitive. Tutor Advice Simply acknowledging your child's feelings and talking about them openly and honestly is a big help. Avoiding situations, when possible, that make your child feel anxious and taking the time to explain certain things or enjoy some time-out with them will also be calming for your child. All children are unique and different in their own way and their approach to learning should be considered by their parents; those who know and understand them best. Having a good relationship with their school teacher or tutor is very important when it comes to the learning of a child that is sensitive. Working together and being as involved as possible can only make for a better outcome. We at First Tutors asked our tutors to provide us with their top tips on teaching sensitive children. Tutor Annabel from Bedford gave this great advice: Sensitive children can be a challenge and it is really important to help them in the best way possible. Children who are low in confidence should be approached gently, using materials that are familiar to them. For example, a child who had an interest in football and needed to learn to use capital letters and full stops could be presented with a picture of a football match and asked to write a few simple sentences about the picture. Praise and encouragement should be used as much as possible - stickers and stampers are a great way to motivate children who are sensitive or low in confidence. If a child does become upset during a lesson, it is important to comfort them and explain that everybody makes mistakes and it is a part of learning. I always show a sensitive child where I have made a mistake and, as well as making us both laugh, it serves to show them that even teachers make errors. All children should be respected and treated as equals; tutors should always ensure children know they can achieve if they try their best and this is no different for any child. Other tips from some of our tutors were: Give them choices: Sensitive children dislike authority and are far more comfortable with being given choices. By including these children in decisions, such as asking them for their thoughts on a certain issue or asking them for their opinion on a problem, they will feel more at ease and do much better. Giving a sensitive child choices alleviates frustration and helps a tutor build a better relationship with them. Build a relationship on trust: Allowing a sensitive child to trust someone that is teaching them is very important in ensuring their success throughout lesson. A tutor's job is to identify a child's weaknesses and work with them to ensure they are understanding and progressing in the right way. A tutor should build a good relationship with the child whereby the child feels comfortable n their company and is able to express themselves naturally. To conclude: Sensitive children often feel deeper and are more concerned with sounds and actions that other children would normally not even notice. In some respects sensitive children can often be described like the princess in the princess and the pea fairytale. Just like the princess in the story who could feel the pea beneath 10 mattresses, sensitive children can feel things that others cannot. Understanding that making their surroundings more bearable and preparing them for certain situations can ease their sensitivity and allow them to feel more at ease. By ensuring that parents, teachers and tutors are all working together to ensure the best for a sensitive child will certainly aid in securing better progress for them. Understanding their needs and insecurities and limiting these to the best of our capabilities will give a sensitive child the balance they need to overcome some of their difficulties and secure a better academic future for them.

Kalamazoo Public Schools

Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo Public Schools is a district of about 12,000 students, the largest school district in southwest Michigan and the second largest on the west side of the state. Since the Kalamazoo Promise was announced in 2005, giving free college tuition for KPS high school graduates, KPS has improved its schools in a whole host of ways. We have gained more than 2,100 students since the announcement of the Promise, more than 1,100 additionally in the last four years after the 1,000-student increase of the Promises first year. We increased the number of kindergarten students in full-day kindergarten from 176 in 2007-2008 to 883 students in 2008-2009, to 944 students in 2009-2010. Full-day kindergarten provides an additional 370,000 instructional hours for kindergarten students in KPS. We have added a dual-language school, El Sol Elementary, and a middle school alternative learning program. Prairie Ridge Elementary School, which opened in the fall of 2008, was the first new school built in Ka lamazoo in 36 years. Prairie Ridge was awarded LEED Gold Certification, the first K-12 school in Michigan to receive this prestigious certification. Linden Grove Middle School, the second brand-new building to open in the past several years, welcomed approximately 700 students on the opening day of the 2009-2010 school year.


LET EDUCATION LET EDUCATION LET is an English center which provides mainly general English courses and standard pronunciation that is considered to be the biggest reason why most Vietnamese can not speak English correctly. LET is the short writing for Living English Together. LET is established and based on the idea of making a small English community where people can meet and practice English together in a natural way. LET is a social enterprise which focuses on middle-class and the poor students. In addition to teaching English we also offer a free English library and English coffee club for students and there is always at least one teacher who will endeavour to help the students with self-study. Finally, our desire is that students can learn good methods to use real English in a short time and have a community to practice and to maintain their level of performance. Moreover, all the staff here are young and we work as a team which actually provides the friendliest and most familial atmosphere to everyone including teachers and students. LET is placed in Hai Phong city which is a beautiful city in the north of Vietnam. Hai Phong is the largest port city and there are lots of lovely places such as Cat Ba island and Do Son beach etc. Join us for success and happiness in learning English in Vietnam.

Searching For Chemistry Jobs

Searching For Chemistry JobsIf you are looking for work in the sciences, Atlanta is the place to be. The government has many government jobs for science and technology professionals to find. These are filled with both higher paying jobs and simple ones that you can also take on.The government does offer jobs to people who want to take advantage of this opportunity. You will have to apply for many different positions but the most important one for you will be one in the government. You will find many of these types of positions that require a license. However, there are also many that do not.This means that you will need to get a degree or certificate before you can qualify for an Atlanta job. However, you do not need to have a degree before applying.There are also some jobs that only exist at the Atlanta airport. They are more basic than what you would find in the general area. However, the experience of working in the terminal and also having a degree will increase your chances of b eing hired.One of the great benefits of working in the terminal is that you can be on duty all day long and watch over other people. This can actually be a job that provides you with enough money to live on and then some. For a low starting salary you could end up making quite a bit of money while doing something you enjoy doing.For people that like the outdoors, there are lots of jobs available at the Atlanta airport as well. You can work in the maintenance department helping to clean the airport and it is not only a simple cleaning job. They will be keeping the airport safe so you will need to make sure the food and everything are keeping good.There are many places for chemistry jobs at Atlanta and it is important that you do not wait until you graduate college. Start looking today for a job in Atlanta.